marți, 30 octombrie 2012


         In creating personal works, one aims releasing the object from its function and significance, that it had in its utilitary context, inviting the looker to discover new valencies. This being said, I have chosen the most common objects, tried different assemblies, in order to offer them symbolic modern meanings. The materials I have used are diverse: metals, polymers, natural materials (fruit peels, seeds etc.) or animal materials (bone fragments, vertebrate, horns) and mineral materials (quartz, zinc, iron etc.). In creating my work I was interested in certain aspects of life, which have conceptual associations with the ambient space and the specific spaces of the architectural interiors.
The personal works have been developed under the shape of some series of objects, that use the assembly technique, such as Bottles, My kitchen, Plumbers, Warriors, Grandma’s jewellery, Lolita, Curiosities Cabinet, Beethoven’s love letters.


       Beethoven’s love letters analyzes the theme of the emergence of the creative act, the drama, the effervescence, the rumble of the interior universe of the artist, who is permanently preoccupied to exorcize the interior experiences and the materialization of the impalpable as a permanent survival source. Love- as a creative energy.

luni, 29 octombrie 2012


Grandma’s jewellery was born out of the idea the items found in the drawers of innocence.  It is the story of the permanent search of the lost paradise.


     The series Plumbers is aimed on non-conventional techniques, that remind of the objectual accumulations of the New Realism. The most various elements form the inventory of every work- from thoroughly studied repetitions to chaotic and deconcentrated accumulations, resulted from the rhythm of the used items (fork shanks, nails, screws, nuts, etc.) This way, the cravings for details complies with the declamatory accumulation of objectual type. The agglomeration, the succession of similar elements refer to the repertory of the illustrated medieval registers such as Physica curiosa by Caspar Schott, Historia animalium by Conrad Gessner, Monstrum historia by Ulisse Aldrovandi,  Historia naturalis by John Johston.  The installation represents a challenge for the conventional principles of the interior ambient space, occupied by common items. Like the apparently unclassable items that belong to the work Curiosities cabinet, Plumbers are instruments, which mock the consume goods by recovering the various household objects, assembled in an objectual scenography with a touch of specific humour.


      My kitchen aims the description of the same conceptual way and underlines at the same time the artistic value o some common items. In this case, the connotative-symbolic function of the item has been illustrated by an obvious comic touch. This series manaegs carefully the overmeasure of the microscopic structures inspired by nature, transposed on household objects. A frozen frame on an interior universe in which an infinity of moods and sensations are filtered, a kitchen of useless curiosities.


     Warriors handles the theme of the daily item’s expressivity, which gains a new meaning by its positioning in an unusual context. The household items (forks, knives, glasses, spoons, bottles, etc) are transformed in armours, weapons and are associated with elements which look like royal coat of arms. The series eulogizes the expressivity of the materials and non-conventional techniques.



      The installation Lolita represents a pretext for metaphorical accumulations, a infantile lacing of adolescence. Love, transformed by the society in a pastry product by means of the distinct-merchantable symbols and celebrated with the occasion of celebrations like Valentine's Day, becomes palpable like consumer goods.